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Thank you me from the past

If you’ve ever felt resentful about chores, or taking care of yourself, everything changes when you think about it as a favor.

I was a little under the weather. Nothing bad, just a cold that had been hovering around the edges finally caught up to me.

I’m well taken care of though — I had homemade soup to eat, delicious hot honey + lemon + ginger concoction to drink and soft tissues with lotion for all the sneezing.

But all this helpful stuff not because someone showed up at the door and stocked me up. But because me of the past thought these things would be nice to have should I want them in the future.

And let me tell you, past me was right.

It was such a relief to open up the freezer and pull out homemade chicken soup. And see there was homemade turkey soup for later. It feels so nice to be taken care of like this!

When I started to think about it, I quickly realized there are lots of ways present me can take care of future me, sweetly, simply.

It could be as basic as making my bed for future me, because I know how she likes to see a made bed during the day, and crawl into one at night.

Or putting things away when I’m done with them, because future me loves to find things where she expects them and resents cleaning up after past me.

Chores don’t seem so much like chores when I’m doing them as a favor.

Even if the favor is for me.

Done future you any favors lately?

What are you feeling so resentful about you don’t want to do it, that could be done as a favor to future you?

Perhaps it could be not doing that thing that future you will regret.

Still feeling stuck?

Answer six simple questions, and I’ll send you your customized strategy to overcome your productivity blocks and start taking massive action now.

Shannon Wilkinson

Shannon Wilkinson

Life Coach for Social Entrepreneurs

I’m a life coach, teacher, writer + summit seeker based in Portland. As a coach, I use mind-bending tools like Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis to help you change your mind, change your behaviors, and ultimately, change the world. My personal credo? Less angst. More action. Less crisis. More change.


cj renzi

cj renzion January 15, 2013 at 6:57 am

Great title for this post and very creative content. Systems are the perfect way to take care of the future you. They’re a form of automated self-care. You seem to have it down really well.

I pay when I have been lazy and leave myself unprepared by not making a draft of that email to send out later or neglect to purchase that extra apple so I have a healthy snack when I am on the run. Then I curse my Past Me. Who wants that?


Shannonon January 15, 2013 at 10:14 am

Thanks CJ. While I value systems, habits and routines, they can feel a bit stifling to me. But this way, of doing a favor for myself in the future? Makes it so much easier. And oh yes, it’s so much more fun to be grateful to past you, rather than curse past you.

Janine Adams

Janine Adamson January 15, 2013 at 7:29 am

I love this concept of good habits and routines being favors that present me does for future me! I’m going to work on that mindset!

By contrast, I’m under the weather as well and blogged yesterday about how almost all my cold medicines were expired! So as soon as I feel better, I’ll replenish the stock for future me!


Shannonon January 15, 2013 at 10:15 am

It’s a much more fun way to think about things for me Janine. I hope you have fun with it too!

I guess the good news about all your cold medicines being expired is that you haven’t been sick enough to need them. Hope you feel better soon!

Aby Garvey

Aby Garveyon February 5, 2013 at 12:30 pm

What a lovely idea Shannon! Your post was linked to by someone in my goals workshop. I was so pleasantly surprised to see that the post was written by my friend Janine’s friend Shannon.


Hope you’re feeling better!


Shannon Wilkinson

Shannon Wilkinsonon February 5, 2013 at 1:26 pm

How serendipitous! Glad you like it Aby, and how fun it was shared in your workshop.

I am feeling better, thank you.

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